Here at MAREI, we have a very great group of people who volunteer regularly at MAREI. We are looking for a few more folks who can help at the monthly meetings or behind the scenes. This is a great opportunity to gain recognition and make more connections at MAREI. Do you have a few hours each month to devote to MAREI put your name on the list to be considered.

Just a Few of our Volunteers Here at MAREI

We would like to grow this page to about 20 different regular MAREI Volunteers and MAREI Ambassadors in the next few months.

Holly Jackson: Investor & Realtor

Check In Desk & Meeting Manager

Bobbie Lawerence: Investor Flipper

Check in Desk

Jake Riordan: Realtor & Business Broker

Check in Desk

Roland Craddolph: Note Investor

AV Technology Specialist

Kim Donaway: Entrepreneur


Brian Winberry: Real Estate Investor and leader of WinVestors a weekly meeting


Angel Hagen: Investor
Mastiff Home Buyers

PROPerty Shop Weekly Virtual Meeting Leader

Serena Bales: Realtor & Entrepreneur

Cash Flow Host and Facebook Admin