
Using a Trust to Avoid Capital Gains on the Sale of Your Property

Wanting to Avoid Capital Gains when you sell a Property?

Are you selling a business or investment property and trying to formulate a way to avoid any capital gains? Hae you considered utilizing a trust?

Byron McBroom is a CPA and he is joining us at the November MAREI Meeting to chat about how to legally pay as little in taxes as possible. In advance of this meeting, he shared a bit of info on using a trust to avoid capital gains.

By utilizing a variety of trusts, you can turn your taxes into an asset and earn income from the tax payments you are delaying paying to the government.

Below is a comparison of the three different trust options we have started to use with our clients. Ideally, the capital gain you are trying to reduce or defer should be over $250,000 to make it worthwhile.

Trust Comparison

Charitable Remainder Trust


  • No Capital Gains Tax
  • Flexible Investment
  • 20 Years to Lifetime Terms
  • Investment Income to Owner
  • Additional Charitable Deduction

Charitable Lead Trust


  • Offset Tax Exposure
  • Flexible Investment
  • 10-30 Years Term
  • Loan Access
  • Transfer to Heirs

Deferred Sales Trust


  • Defer Capital Gains Tax
  • Flexible Investment
  • Alternative to 1031 Exchange
  • Income Stream
  • Loan Access

Want to learn more about avoiding capital gains? Then join us on November 14th, this is just one of the 7 strategies that Byron and his team at One Stop Tax Strategists use to help their clients save in excess of $35,000 in taxes on average. And one that he will explain, probably not in depth as he only has 90 minutes but he will be touching on it.

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