
MAREI PartnerCast Episode 005: Foreclosure & Bank Owned Auctions

Purchasing a property on an auction may seem intimidating to some newer investors and maybe even some seasoned investors, but it can mean securing a great deal if you know what you are doing. This PartnerCast episode features one of MAREI’s business associates, Rachel Bailey. This local expert will speak on the process of foreclosures and bank owned auctions. At the time of this interview, she had been working for Auction.com for five years and was then and still is a wealth of knowledge about the real estate in and around the Kansas City metro area.

Some of the questions addressed about foreclosures and auctions:

  • What are the funding requirements and what is needed to close a purchase?
  • Can you preview a property before the auction?
  • How did the pandemic and COVID lockdowns effect foreclosures?
  • How to gain more education on foreclosures and auctions.

Since this interview, Rachel Bailey, is now with Creative Capital Lenders and can be reached by e-mailing Rachel@CreativeCapitalLenders.com

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