
PopUp: How to Make the Right Creative Offer in Any Situation

How to Make the RIGHT Creative Offer
On Any Deal
with Vena Jones-Cox
Free and Open to the Public

Are you a fan of buying properties without banks?

Then you know that there are a LOT of ‘techniques’ to choose from: subject to, seller financing, lease/options, wraps, and private loans.

It can be confusing to pick the right strategy or combo of strategies when you don’t know how to think it through. So , which one is ‘right’ for a particular situation—and by RIGHT, we mean:

  1. It meets the seller’s needs, so that they can accept it
  2. It meets the needs of your exit strategy, so you can make money on it.

Thinking through creative offers as a PROCESS is the secret . . .

. . .and that’s what you’ll find out in this unique, interactive workshop that focuses on looking at the seller’s situation, your goals, and the details of the property itself.

 You’ll find out:

  • The right deal structure when the seller wants (or needs) “too much” for the property
  • The right structure when the seller wants to sell, but doesn’t want to pay a bunch of taxes
  • The right structure when the seller wants (or needs a giant down payment, or the property needs a lot of work

Vena Jones-Cox bought her very first property using creative financing, because she didn’t have any money or credit. That was over 30 years ago, and today, more than 1,200 deals later, she STILL doesn’t buy properties using bank financing.

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