Not just another real estate Investor Meetup

Welcome to MAREI

We are the place for the Real Estate Investing Community Across the Kansas City Metro to Learn, Connect, and Do Business

Jaymi Munn Zehms 5 Star Google Review
Lisa Layne 5 Star Google Review
Robyn Catanagus 5 Star Google Review
Pat Knight 5 Star Google Review

5 from 15 reviews on Google

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Business Associates
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Learn, Connect, & Do at

Upcoming MAREI Events

There are a few things that every real estate professional needs to start, grow, and manage their business .  .  .  knowledge, people, and a way to put it all together so you can do business.  One of the best places to find all of these things are at the MAREI events . . . local monthly meetings that are in person, virtual national events, pop ups and all the education and relationships that come from participating in all of these events.

Build Your Business

Business Associates

For products and services that will help you grow your business, start with the MAREI Business Associates.  They are experts at what they do and most are investor’s themselves.  If they don’t have the answer, they know who does.  

The Latest Issues of the Real Estate Industry

The rules of the real estate business are changing regularly.  MAREI works to keep you informed and give you the opportunity to have a seat at the table.  But we can’t do it alone. If you see or hear something, say something.

Mission Kansas Short Term Rental Ordinance
Where does $1 of rent actually go?

Our team

The Faces of MAREI

These are the people who volunteer their time to help us make MAREI one of the top REIA groups in the Country.  They all invest in real estate and know a LOT of people.  Look them up at the MAREI meeting to say hello!