
Adrian Smude’s 2 Day Event: Cashing In On Mobile Homes

Featuring Adrian Smude and Marc Bracy

Marc is now investing in two different markets across different states. Learn from his experience as he shares what he’s done right, wrong, and the changes he’s made to successfully invest from a distance.

Adrian lives in a different market from where he invests. Discover how he’s adapted his business to thrive in this setup. He will share the tools and strategies that have helped him achieve success in remote investing.

At the live event we reveal how to buy, fix, rent, and sell mobile homes effectively, offering a path to substantial profits and lifestyle freedom.

  • Finding out where to Find the Best Deals on Mobile Homes
  • Learn the Tax Differences between being an Investor & a Dealer And Get the Right Entity for Each
  • Take a Look at a Bad Deal and Find Out Why Its a Bad Deal
  • Fixing to Flip for Significant Profits AND Fixing to Rent for Monthly ROI
  • How to Finance a Mobile Home in Today’s Market Including Private Money and Owner Financing
  • Investing from Out of State or In Your Own Back Yard
  • Real Life Case Studies with Real Deals from the Instructors

Visit the Event Website to Learn more and to Register and be sure to use the Discount Code KIM at check out to save 20% off the list price.

When you sign up, you’ll get instant access to two powerful video courses: Mobile Home Walkthrough: Inspect Like a PRO and Cashing in on Mobile Homes 2022—so you can start taking action NOW! 

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