
March Meeting: When & How to go Full Time as a Real Estate Entrepreneur

Living the Dream as a Full Time Real Estate Entrepreneur – How Our Three Panelists Transitioned to Full Time Real Estate Entrepreneurs with no Steady Paycheck or Corporate Benefits

March MAREI Meeting:
How to Replace Your JOB and become Unemployable

The ultimate goal when people turn to real estate is Financial Independence and the ability to Retire Early.  

But what does that look like in real estate and when and how can you F.I.R.E. yourself from your steady paycheck and perhaps benefits?

The answer is going to be different for every person, but to give you perspective we have invited three different MAREI members with 3 different perspectives to share how they did it. . . . Learn from Rachel Bailey, Joe Blackshere, and Holly Jackson . . . 

  • Learn their background so you know what they were coming from 
  • What they do today in real estate as it might not be just one thing?
  • Why they turned to real estate and not something else?
  • What was their process to transition:  goals, planning, just do it?
  • What keeps them motivated when things don’t go as planned?
  • What should a brand-new investor do to get off the sidelines?
  • When a person is beyond the brand new stage and ready to start to F.I.R.E. themselves, what should they do?

This meeting is free for Members of MAREI and 1st Time Guests.  All others are invited to join as a member or to pay our $35 guest fee.


5:00 Set up Time
6:00 Vendor Expo 
6:00 Networking Time
7:00 Guest Panel
8:50  Networking & After Hours

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