Resources for MAREI Business Associates

MAREI Members spend millions each year building and running their real estate business. If you have a product or service to offer our members, guests and followers, then you should be a MAREI Business Associate.
Not only do you get full member access to all of our meetings and benefits for you and up to 3 other team members, but you also gain access to promotional opportunties.
It all Starts with your Application
Please take a few minutes to tell us more about you and your company so we can make sure we are a good fit.
Once we have received your application and reviewed, we will email you approval to join as a Business Associate or if you are already an Investor Member, we will get with you to upgrade your membership over the phone.
Please wait for confirmation your business membership is approved before moving forward. Not all business are a good fit for Business Membership.
After we approve your membership we will send you an email asking for more info. It will looks something like this: (click here)
Pay As You Go
Quarterly Option
Auto Charges Card on File Quarterly
Continuous Until You Cancel
Annual Auto Renew
Annual Option
Auto Charges Card on File Annually
Continuous Until You Cancel
Annual Manual Renew
Annual Option
You Manually Renew Your Membership
Expires after 365 days with Non Renewal
Common Questions
All Business Associates are listed on our Business Directory on the website and listed in our print Newsletter that we hand out at meetings, email to our followers, and post on social media.
1. Business Directory Listing on
2. Business Directory Listing in the Newsletter
3. Power Point Slide for the PreMeeting Video Loop (send us the slide)
4. Flyers at the meeting, if you can’t attend, send us your flyers we will put them out for you each month.
5. Facebook Group Ads – one a month.
6. Lunch & Learn Event – One a Year where you present.
7. Blog Post – you write us the article we will post it – up to 4 a year.
8. Vendor Tables at Meetings, 1st ones free.
9. Have an Idea, let’s talk.
As of January 2025, MAREI currently has 675 paid members. Our weekly breifing email goes out to about 7300 active emails. And our Facebook Group hosts 15,500 plus.
As of January 2025, we are typically seeing between 100 and 120 people in attendance at our regular meetings.
All MAREI Business Associates are eligible to host a vendor table. We give you your first one free, then we offer them in packages of 3. You prepay for 3 months or 6 months at a time at this link.
Then the week before the meeting we email all Business Associates to see who would like a table. We will confirm your space, and if you have used up all your prepaid space, we will send you a link to pay for more.
Note should we have more demands for tables than we have space, we may ask some to share a table (and adjust pricing) We may adjust our meeting room. We have not had to turn anyone away since 2019.
MAREI’s online forum is on Facebook, you can find it at
We encourage all business members to join our Facebook Group and to participate (or have their staff person do it).
MAREI Business Associates will have their posts preapproved and the right to post one advertisement post a month. However, Facebook does not like advertisy type posts. So to get the most engagement and thus people seeing your post, something that ask for engagement, sparks discussion, or otherwise makes Facebook happy would better serve your purposes.
If you find that being a MAREI Business Associate is no longer for you, please let us know. We will set your auto renew to expire at the end of the term. Or downgrade you to an Investor Membership.

Other Opportunties
We are always looking for new ways to partner with our Business Associates. Have an idea? We would love to hear it.
Online Business Directory
Your Listing
Take a minute to explore our business directory and see what others are posting. Email with Company Name, Website Link (can be a landing page just for MAREI), person’s name if there should be one, phone, and email. We will also need a logo – square in nature preferably, a short blurb about you, and then a longer write-up. And one or two categories to list you under. We will use this info for our print directory in the newsletter.
For the Monthly Meeting
e generally have 100 to 120 people who attend the monthly meeting. We need two things from you. First, a power point slide to show on rotation. This is our slide deck from January 2025. Send to
We also have a table for flyers and business cards. If you attend a meeting bring extra so we can bring them back the next month. Or make arrangements to have them dropped off or maild.
Must Have Link
Vendor Tables
We encourage business members to attend meetings and participate. One way to participate is to host a Vendor Table at the monthly meeting. We presell in packages of 3. You can buy 1 package of 3 or 6 packages of 3, what ever works for you.
Note if you are not a MAREI Business Member, you are not eligible to host a Vendor Table.
Must Have Link
Lunch & Learn
All our business members can join us on Zoom at noon on a Thursday at least once to share info about your product or service. Link below is to reserve your time.
If you had an idea for an educational discussion, run it by us, we are always looking to educate the masses.
Monthly Meeting
Invite a Guest
We encourage all members to invite a guest to attend a monthly meeting to learn more on the topic of the evening. An educated customer will be in business longer and user your services. Be sure to ask your guest to tell us you invited them, and we do pay MAREI dollar referral fees.
Monthly Meeting
We seem many business members who attend every meeting, learn from the speaker, and participate both before and after. They make vital connections and build relationships that are often much harder to make when you are behing a vendor table. And we have a meeting after the meeting you might want to attend.
Affiliate Relationship
MAREI Sells You
As a MAREI Business Associate, you are paying to have your name on the list in the various directories and it’s up to you to market yourself past that. There are opportunties where MAREI could sell your product or service directly on the MAREI website in exchange for an affiliate fee. Lenders quite often fit this model. Or product sales. Your base affiliate fee would be your annual membership to start and get set up on the website as a standard business associate, then we earn together.
Vendor booth
Trade Show
MAREI hosts an annual trade show in July. This is one evening where the entire meeting is all Vendors and all Vendor Booths. The 2024 Trade show boasted 30 vendors and well over 270 people walked in the doors. This is one event where the public is able to have a table, but Business Associates get first right to those tables at a discouned price.
Monthly Meeting
Guest Speaker
Being a MAREI Business Associate does not assure that you will be a guest speaker, most never speak. With that said, if you are knowledgable in a particular area that we think would make for a good meeting, and you are a good engaging speaker, we would love to consider you being the speaker for a meeting. Or tap you for your knowledge on a guest panel.
Lunch and Learns
Guest Speaker
We are working on building the MAREI Educational Library. One tool we have is to record 20 to 45 minute discussions on a specific topic with our business associates. If you have an idea for an educational lunch and learn (not a commerical but education) run it buy us and let’s get it on the calendar.
MAREI Member Library
Training Course
MAREI provides it’s digital library to every new member for download. We are actively promoting items as they are created on our website, blog posts, newsletters, and social media. We are seeking stratigic business associates to provide these “courses” to educate our members and to position our associates as the industry and subject experts.
Alternative Events
Sub Group Hosts
We would like to add extra events through out the month centered around a discussion of a specific subject matter. These could be in person or virtual sub groups with topics like Rehab, Wholesale, Notes, Self Directing, Apartments . . . or something else. We are seeking host to facilitate the event.
Articles & Videos
MAREI sends out a weekly digital newsletter. This consists of the latest postings and events on our website. We are seeking educational articles that are reale state related on current issues, how tos, and case studies. These will be shared as a blog post, pushed out to our social media channels, and shared in our Friday Briefing, with the potential to be seen by 10,000+ followers.
Alternative Events
Meet and Greet
This is an opportunity for our business associates to host their own event, providing the venue, the content, the speakers and the food. We have seen these in other markets at a local bar where they have a 2 to 3 hour networking session, with 1 free drink and appetizers. The vendor then speaks for 10 to 15 minutes. We put this event on the calendar, social media and email it out.