MAREI has been collecting forms, documents, ebooks and resources for real estate investors and small businesses since opening our doors in 2004.

We sat down in June and took a good hard look at what we had, what was still good, and what had to go. We cleaned it up, added to it, and loaded it online into

You can always log in and go to the My Account Tab and look for “FREE Stuff for Members

MAREI Member Library is Now on a Flash Drive

Next, we loaded the current contents as of July 9th on the Flash Drive pictured. When you join at the monthly meeting or 30 days in advance of the meeting, stop at the check-in desk and ask for your copy. We put a $500 value on this, but we are fairly certain it might cost way more to gain access to all the forms, documents and information.

Member Library Contents

Start Here File

Books to Read

Laws, Rules & Regulation

Forms & Documents

Member Training Courses

These are a compilation of resources that many of our Members and Friends of MAREI have created.