
Kansas City’s New Source of Income Ordinance – Tips from Attorney Julie Anderson

Kansas City Missouri’s new source of income ordinance went into effect at the beginning of August. Attorney Julie Anderson sat down with the people at the WinVestor’s meeting to outline what you should know and be doing right now. The biggest concern she has for landlords right now seems to be potential fines.

What to do RIGHT NOW to comply with KCMO’s New SOI Ordinance

  1. Read Julie’s Compliance and Strategies – download it here from her blog.
  2. Put this sentence in all advertising: “The Landlords Does Not Discriminate Based on Source of Income” ***
  3. Remove All Prescreening Criteria from any and All Advertising
  4. Train yourself and staff on how to talk to people: Everyone is allowed to apply
  5. Have solid written screening criteria for your screening – just don’t share it with anyone outside of your office.
  6. Remember the 3 big screening items that you cannot deny an applicant as the only reason – must have two: Credit History, Eviction History, and Criminal History.
  7. See Julie’s Sample Criminal Screening Criteria that you can use in your own office.
  8. No more rent-to-income ratios, have a set income number per property, and you have to consider all sources of income toward that number, including Section 8.
  9. As you do the process of looking at extenuating circumstances, document them in writing. Who did you talk to, how do you reach them, what did they say, how did you reach your decision? You will need this should you get sued.
  10. Use a good online screening company with a digital application – here at MAREI we recommend RentPerfect and have a discount for members.
  11. Go back and read Julie’s Compliance and Strategies again – download it here from her blog. (We suggest reviewing with staff regularly so you don’t forget.)

*** All Advertising includes your websites, your signs, any ads on Zillow or in the paper, your rental application, signs in your office, and posts to social media!

Be sure to check Julie’s Website for updates: MOKSLaw.com, check her blog page, and the forms page.


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