
Jackson County Tax Assessments

An Update Page for Kansas City Real Estate Investors on the Tax Assessments in Jackson County Missouri
Information Updated 12/19/2023

The 2023 Jackson County Tax Assessments came out with a lot of wild and crazy values. We are maintaining this blog post page to keep our members updated with the latest details.

The Latest Updates on the Jackson County Tax Assessment Process

State of Missouri Passes Law to Freeze Property Taxes for Seniors

The state of Missouri passed a bill earlier this year that gives the counties the ability to freeze property taxes for Seniors. The Seniors must be eligible for Social Security retirement benefits. Are the legal owners of the property and are liable for the payment of real property taxes. Jackson County approved property tax relief for seniors beginning in 2024. Clay County signed an ordinance that will freeze seniors’ taxes in 2025. Platte County is working on an ordinance for early 2024.

Audit Finds Deficiencies and Non-Compliance in Audit of Jackson County Tax Assessment Process in 2023

Reporting December 18th, 2023, Scott Fitzpatrick, the Missouri State Auditor reported in their initial findings.

The Jackson County Assessment Department did not properly notify property owners whose property assessed valuations increased more than 15 percent of their rights regarding physical inspection of their property.

In the statement issued by the auditor’s office Monday, Fitzpatrick wrote, “any residential real property assessed valuation increase over 15 percent is likely invalid. The Jackson County Legislature, County Executive, and Assessor should determine what remedies are available, such as limiting 2023 assessed valuation increases to 15 percent, using prior year assessed valuations, or allowing additional appeals and/or tax protests; then notify taxpayers of these remedies, and allow adequate time for the taxpayers to pursue such remedies.”

We expect more information in the coming days.

How to Pay Your Taxes Under Protest

Many have been waiting to see how investigations and lawsuits work out before they pay their real estate property taxes as the accuracy and validity are in question. But as they are still due by December 31st, many are now faced with not paying them and getting late fees or paying in protest. To pay under protest, you will need to pay in full by December 31st and at the same time file a written statement explaining why you are paying in protest. Your statement must include the fair market value of the property that the taxpayer believes is correct. Plus the taxpayer must also file a petition in court to recover the amount in protest within 90 days. Don’t file that petition and you will not get it back.

Please consult with a trusted advisor on how to pay your Jackson County Taxes this year. Although the attorney who has two cases in this saga is recommending people hold off on paying for a while, perhaps until the last couple days of 2023 when hopefully there will be more information available.

Was Your Jackson County Tax Assessment Wrong

Earlier this year the Jackson County Missouri Tax Assessments came out with a lot of wild and crazy values. Many members reported 40%, 50%, and even several 100% increases over their last assessment. The news reported that 100s of properties had the same value down to the penny.

Many local organizations and 100s of local Realtors went to work helping homeowners across the metro appeal their assessments. Over 50,000 property owners filed an appeal, many real estate sales blew up, and multiple cities in Jackson County sued. The appeal deadline was extended.

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