
How to Flip a Seller Carry Back Note

One of the easiest ways to make quick cash in real estate is to flip a note.

A Note is simply a promise to pay a debt and in real estate it is usually secured by a deed of trust or mortgage filed against a piece of property. The note includes the terms of the loan: interest, time, ect. The Mortgage or Deed of Trust secures the lenders position and defines how to get the foreclosure. A note can be performing, meaning the borrower is paying. Or it could be non-performing where the borrower is not paying. Both can be flipped by an investor using none of their own cash or credit.

How to Flip a Seller Carryback Note

Take a few minutes to watch Donna’s video to learn:

  • What is a Note
  • The Basics of a Seller-Financed Transaction
  • What Happens When the Seller Who Created the Note Wants to be paid off early
  • How to acquire a seller-financed note from that seller at a discount
  • How to sell that seller-financed note to a new note holder to make a profit.
  • How to assign a note contract or double close if you want to flip with none of your own cash
  • How to buy with your own cash for cash flow

We are hosting Donna Bauer on February 10th for a Virtual Workshop from 8 to 2. If you want to learn more about Flipping Notes, be sure to register and get your zoom link or the replay after.

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