Bills in the State of Missouri Regarding Housing Voucers

Legislation to Prohibit Local Governments from Requiring Private Property Owners to Accept Section 8

What started as two bills in the Missouri House and one in the Senate that would Prohibit local governments from requiring private property owners to accept Section 8 vouchers. Two bills seem to be the same as HB2385 from last year which passed in the House and crossed over to a favorable reception in the Senate. The third is a Senate Bill which was also deals with similar issues. All are a result of the New Kansas City Missouri Source of Income Law that was passed in 2024.

Update March 3th on MO SB 507

This Bill was to be discussed in committee on March 3rd, should be voted on in committee on March 10th, where we may need people to travel to Jefferson City to provide testimony.  When it passed the committee, it will still need to go to the full Senate for Discussion and Vote

Update January 29th

Update 01.29.2025: HB 343 was replaced by  595 were voted out of committee and they were combined into one bill because they were identical. And then a substitution was made for these two with the language that KC Regional Housing Alliance helped create in 2024.  So 595 is now waiting for SB 507 to be approved.

MO HB595 Sponsored by Chris Brown (R)*, 

See latest updates on this bill
Was referred to Commerce on 1/16/2025


SPONSOR: Brown (16)

This bill specifies that no county or city can enact, maintain, or enforce any ordinance or resolution that prohibits landlords from refusing to lease or rent certain residential or commercial property to a person because the person’s source of income includes aid from a Federal housing assistance program.

The bill specifies that no city or county may enact an ordinance that:

(1) Prohibits landlords from using income-qualifying methods to determine whether to rent or lease a property to a prospective tenant;
(2) Prohibits landlords from requesting tenant criminal records;
(3) Limits the amount of security deposit required from a tenant; or
(4) Requires tenants to automatically receive the right of first refusal.

This bill is the same as HB 2385 (2024).

MO HB343 Sponsored by Ben Keathley (R)*, 

See Latest Updates on this Bill:
Was referred to Commerce on 1/16/2025  While this one had favorable hearings the last action refers us to HB 595

MO SB507 Sponsored by Nick Schroer (R)*, 

See latest updates on this bill at
Was first read on 1/8 and referred to Elections on 2/12.  Not much action on this one.

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