
Home Depot to Audit the 2% Rebate Program

Do you enjoy large gift cards or even checks from the Home Depot twice a year due to our 2% Rebate Program we offer through our membership in National REIA? There are many past members of MAREI and the old Kansas City Investment Group that joined a very long time ago to get the rebate, but are not current on their membership.

Home Depot is Finally Auditing Accounts

We have always known that the Home Depot did spot-check audits as we had to provide them with our member list once a year. But this past month they asked every participating group for a much more detailed list. They wanted your name, your company name, the date in which you expire, your member number, your email address and your phone number.

Email Update This Week

Home Depot sent out the verification emails (to the members) today. If they could not match your Home Depot ProXtra Account with our member information, you may have received the following email.

Subject: Action Required: Keep Your 2% Home Depot

We are currently undergoing a thorough review of our large National Accounts associations’ membership and enrollment into our benefits program. Our records indicate you are currently enrolled in Home Depot’s National Real Estate Investors Association program. However, we regret to inform you that we have encountered difficulty in confirming your NREIA membership using the information provided within your Home Depot ProXtra account.

To ensure the accuracy of our records, we kindly request your assistance in verifying your National REIA membership status. Please utilize the link provided below to complete our verification form.

NREIA Membership Verification

If we are unable to confirm your membership status by July 22nd, 2024, your enrollment in the program will be terminated, resulting in your ineligibility to receive the semi-annual 2% NREIA rebate from The Home Depot.

We greatly appreciate your cooperation throughout this process. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to reach out to your local NREIA chapter leader (that would be KimatMAREI@gmail.com) or contact National REIA at Lori@nationalreia.org.

The Verification page asks for the following items

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Company Name
  • NREIA Chapter
  • NREIA User ID ( Login Email Address)*
  • ProXtra Phone Number

*The NREIA User ID ( Login Email Address) is the email you utilize at MAREI and we provided them on the Audit reports.

They May Want a Member Number

When they requested information from us here at MAREI they specifically asked for member numbers and we specifically told them we don’t use member numbers. The email from National REIA above didn’t not say they were asking for member numbers. But we had a call from a concerned person who wanted to join MAREI to ensure he kept his membership status. He specifically needed a member number. We can create one for you if it is needed.

We have learned that if you have not been a member for a very long time, if ever. That if you might have expired years ago, received a code from a friend, or accessed the rebate as a member of KCIG you will not be getting any rebates for purchases going backward. But if you join today, you will be eligible for rebates going forward.

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