
Fraud is On The Rise, Protect Yourself

Open up your latest news ap and it is sure to have a fraud alert of some kind. This morning we read about the huge data breach at the national loan servicing company Mr. Cooper that includes all of their current customers and many of their past customers. So this guest post and podcast episode from David Pickron with RentPerfect is very Timely.

Beware of Fraud

The long con . . . I have a neighbor who over a year ago received a call from the FBI, seeking her assistance in targeting a group of individuals who were performing illegal wire transfers. Over the year she had assisted with other tasks and had become a trusted ally of the FBI. Then recently, the FBI asked her to increase her involvement after having gained the trust of the illegally operating group. They told her they had set a trap to finally catch these guys and that they would keep her updated on their every move. They thanked her for her willingness to do her part to catch the bad guys. Then the call came in with her FBI contacts directing her to transfer $700,000.00 to this group, where they could then track the money to see where it went and then make an arrest after 18 months of work. The FBI guaranteed the return of the money once the transfer was completed and they were able to make the bust. She agreed, transferred the $700k, and waited… and waited. After a few days, she began to wonder when the money would be returned. Not understanding how long the arrest might take, she was patient. After a couple of weeks went by, she decided to call the FBI and ask about her money . . . as you already guessed, they had no idea what she was talking about or even who she was.

These stories of fraud are becoming all too common. The minute details and the elaborate amount of work these fraudsters are going through to trick you are amazing. We used to worry about our mail being stolen, then our email being hacked, but we are entering all unfamiliar territory. Your need to stay vigilant is more important than ever; consider these six vital tools in your fight to protect what is yours.

Our emails, passwords, social security numbers and birthdates are being stolen in data breaches and shared on the dark web. People are forging signatures and stealing our land and our property. Some is a long con like the above. Others is via all those fund posts and games on Facebook and other Social Media where they are trying to get your password details. There is more. BEWARE!

Steps to Take to Protect Yourself from Fraud

Freeze your credit.

With your file frozen, others will not be able to access credit in your name. When you need to access your credit for real, simply login to Experian and put a “Thaw” on your file. This is completely free, and you can do it as often as you like. As a Private Investigator, I am often asked how to protect yourself from identity theft or people opening fraudulent accounts in your name. This is my first go-to. At the same time, perhaps add a fraud alert to your accounts as well.

Protect Your Bank Account Number

Treat your bank account number like your social security number. For years we passed out a piece of paper called a check which contained routing numbers and account numbers. With ACH transfers and wire transactions, your bank account information has become the new gold standard for criminals.

Use Credit Card Protections

Use a credit card for most transactions. There are protections that credit cards offer. If something is fraudulent, you can dispute it, and the company involved with that transaction is usually found at fault for letting a fraudulent transaction go through their system. And some cards offer a way to create specific dummy numbers to use on different websites so if one account gets compromised, it is a dummy account number than can be easily changed.

Embrace Follow Up Phone Calls

Expect your bank to be more diligent when it comes to wire fraud. What used to be an email request for me now requires in-person, ID scanning, and code-giving experience. A little frustrating, but these financial institutions are only trying to protect you.

Be Very Careful When Buying a House

Be specifically cautious when buying a home and going through a title company. There are countless stories about fraudulent wiring, where the down payment you thought was going to the title company actually went to the Congo. Check the URL and make a phone call to the title

Do you have more tips on protecting yourself from fraud, we would love to hear them. Please leave a comment below.

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