

The absolute best way to find great real estate deals is Driving For Dollars. But it’s not just getting in getting in your car & writing down addresses that makes it work—it’s WHERE you drive, WHICH addresses, & most importantly, HOW YOU FOLLOW UP.

The 7 Day Driving for Deals Challenge
October 24th – 30th
Classroom Days 24th, 28th, & 30th

Join us for our Driving for Deals Challenge where you will:

  1. Learn HOW to drive for dollars right, what to look for, and how to keep track of properties you’ve found.
  2. Get a FREE trial of Deal Machine, and app that will help you organize, track, and even market to your properties.
  3. Do your homework that will have you driving OVER THE WEEKEND!
  4. Plus 2 follow-up meetings to market to your target properties and what to do when a seller calls
  5. If you attend all the meetings and do all the homework, you’ll be entered to win one of 2 free 1-year subscriptions to Deal Machine

You MUST attend the first meeting (or do the replay on Saturday) to participate in the challenge; it’s where you’ll get your free downloads and assignments. 

There is no cost to participate in this class, but you must register here to get your Zoom Link to get in.  And for everyone who attends and participates, they are giving away several $1000s in prizes  . . . it is a challenge after all.  

Please note if you can’t attend live, register anyway, we will send out the replay so you can catch up.

Once you register we will send you the Zoom link, the free trial link, and a little secret to double your 7 day free trial where you get Unlimited lead contact info with a value of about $1,000 worth of skip tracing and 50 free postcards to send to sellers.

Wondering just who Matt Kamp is?  He’s the VP at DealMachine and he’s done 1000’x of deals using Deal Machine and he personally invests in the St Louis Market, so yes guys, this works here in Kansas City too!

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