How To Create A Wildly Profitable Business That Gives You Both Time And Financial Freedom
If you were to look around at your fellow business owners, you’d see that most work far more than they want and make much less than they deserve.
This all-too-common situation is both unfortunate and ironic, because the #1 reason we go into business is so we can enjoy time and financial freedom in our lives.
So how do smart, hard-working, well-meaning business owners get stuck on the hamster wheel of work and business?
It’s because most people have accidentally set up their businesses wrong, and in a way that depends on them personally to run it.
And when this is the case, it means you’re destined to eventually close your doors because either you’re going to get burnt out by never taking time off, or you’ll be unable to work.
But before you give up and throw in the towel, there’s a proven solution that can fix this issue!
It’s a tried-and-tested process that will change your business forever, and that you can benefit from starting RIGHT NOW.
The solution is the SEAD process.
SEADing (pronounced seed-ing) your business is a simple, four-step process that will be the best and most important thing you’ll ever do to put your business on autopilot and create something that serves your life rather than competes with it.
The acronym SEAD stands for Strategic Elimination, Automation, and Delegation.
The golden rule to SEADing your business is something adapted from Tim Ferriss:
Never delegate something you can automate, and never automate something you can eliminate.
In other words, what this means is that you eliminate first, then automate, then delegate.
Let’s dive in to understand each step better:
Step 1: Develop Your Strategy
The first “S” in SEAD stands for Strategic.
This is the most important of all the steps because it’s the one that influences what all the others will look like.
Being strategic simply means that you use your personal Lifeonaire Vision as a guide to determine what you want your business to look like.
What is a Lifeonaire Vision?
It’s the detailed blueprint for your ideal life in every area.
Think of it as a combination of your goals, aspirations, dreams, identity, purpose, passions, and schedule…all rolled into one magical, powerful document.
(Don’t have one? We show people how to create a crystal-clear vision at the Lifeonaire Get-A-Life Getaway.)
MAREI Member’s get to attend this event once for FREE
It’s critically important to have a vision if you’re going to achieve lasting business success, because you need to know exactly what you want your life to look like if you’re going to design a business to serve that life.
Remember…the biggest purpose of your business is to give you the life you want!
- Want to travel the world six months per year?
- Only work 4 hours per day?
- Run your business location-independent?
You need to know all that stuff upfront because it’s going to impact how you organize, structure and run your business.
Makes sense right?
It’s only once you have your vision that you’ll also know other important things like how much time you can spend working, how much money you need to fully live your vision, and what your ideal day and schedule will look like.
Step 2: Eliminate
The next step is to look at what you can eliminate from your business.
I sometimes get asked the question why we do this before automation and delegation.
The answer is because if you can get rid of something and it enhances your business, there’s no need to systemize or hand it off to someone else. It would be a waste of time and resources.
Elimination has a huge impact on simplifying your business and is essentially the “decluttering” and streamlining of your business.
Think of it as cleaning out your garage or closet.
How do you choose what to eliminate?
Here’s a few suggestions to get you started:
- It no longer serves you, the mission, direction or vision of the business
- It’s not as profitable as you want or producing the results you desire
- It’s draining resources that could be used better elsewhere with better results
- It’s a distraction / shiny object
Simply asking yourself: “Is this productive and in alignment with my vision or is it just keeping me busy and active?” will help in figuring out whether you should eliminate it or not.
What are some things that you can eliminate?
It could be any of the following:
- Product or Service Offering
- Branch, Division, or Section of the Company
- Task or Responsibility
- Process or System
- Software or Tools
- Initiative or Project
- Position or Role
Now, it can be emotionally challenging to eliminate things, especially if you’ve been doing them/using them for a long time. You may be vested and have spent a lot of time and energy getting it set up.
Let me encourage you to let it go. You’ll be glad you did.
Step 3: Automate
Automation refers to the use of technology, tools, or software to get things done instead of a human.
We use automation prior to delegation because it’s easier and cheaper, and if done right, adds structure, consistency, and organization to your business.
I personally love automation because it guarantees that the task(s) will get done exactly the same every time and I can sleep at night knowing the business is still running without me.
Think of your automation software as your star employee who works 24-7 and doesn’t complain that the office thermostat is set too cold.
What should be automated?
Very simply, anything you (or your staff) find yourself doing repeatedly the same way, over and over again.
There are dozens and dozens of potential things that could be automated and the only limit is your imagination.
Critics of automation often will say it feels impersonal or robotic, especially when it’s outward (customer or prospect) facing, but that’s only the case if it’s not set up correctly.
When done correctly, automation will feel more personal and it will enhance the business and customer experience. Not the other way around.
Step 4: Delegate
Many business owners have a hangup with employees. They’ll say things like:
- “No one wants to work anymore.”
- “You can’t trust people.”
- “It’s quicker for me to do it myself.”
The list could be a mile long and I’ve heard (and personally used) all of them, believe me.
But here’s what I’ll tell you…
If you’re going to have a real business, this is a required step.
And if you had a bad experience in the past, there’s a good chance it’s your fault.
Now, before you decide you want to punch me and we’re not friends anymore, allow me to explain.
What I mean is this…
Just because you’re good at what you do, it doesn’t mean you’ve developed the other skills necessary in successful delegation (and there’s a lot!).
To be successful here, there’s a lot of skills that are required: finding the right person, screening them, onboarding them, training them, managing them, and growing them to their potential.
Taking the time to develop these skills will be well worth your time.
What should you delegate?
Here’s a few ideas to get you started:
- Anything you don’t enjoy
- Anything you’re not good at
- Anything below your target “wage”
Let’s address that last one for a second – target wage.
This is what you should be worth to your business.
See, as the business owner, you need to focus most on the highest-income generating activities in your company.
And whether that’s $100/hr or $1,000 dollar per hour wage activities, anything below that amount should be hired out.
I see it all the time: the business owner trying to keep their own books instead of hiring a bookkeeper for $30 per hour, unclogging toilets at their properties, or swinging a hammer in their rehab because they’re trying to save a couple bucks.
What they don’t realize is that this is costing them HUGE amounts of money.
Let me give you an example to drive this home.
Follow me on the math here, and don’t fall asleep on me. This is important.
Say you spend 20 hours per week doing $30/hr work.
(Work you could hire someone for $30/hr to do for you.)
You just saved your business $500 that week by doing it yourself, right? (20 hours x $30/hr = $500)
What actually happened is you cost your business a ton of money.
You should have been working on things at the $100/hr, $250/hr, or even $500+/hr level.
If we go with the low end – $100/hr activities – those same 20 hours would have generated $2,000 of value for your business.
This means you didn’t “save” $500 that week. You just LOST $1,500. ($2,000 – $500 = $1,500)
That’s $75,000 per year erased from your business profit, right off the bat.
Fix this one thing and you’ll make a huge shift in your business.
Alright…now you’re ready to rock with creating a business that doesn’t require you to wear all the hats and that can give you the time and financial freedom you’re looking for.
And it’s way closer than you think.
Take this process, apply it, and see the results in your life and business, guaranteed.
Want some help?
The SEAD Process is just one of many things we teach at the Lifeonaire Business Builder ‘3-day MBA’ Workshop.
(MAREI Members get to attend one Business Builder Workshop for FREE)
We also cover:
- How to blast through the bottlenecks and plateaus of business growth and profitability
- How to structure and run your business to run on autopilot like a TRUE business owner
- How to sell like crazy and never feel pitchy, slimy, or salesy
- Ways to stand apart from your competitors with unique, attention-grabbing marketing
- In-depth training and live hotseat demonstrations with automation and AI
- How to build and lead a team of Superbowl-winning MVPs
- And a whole lot more
And the best part of all?
It’s Completely Free For You (if you are a Member of MAREI – if you are not, you can join here)!
Yup! As a Member of MAREI you get to attend the Business Builder Workshop at no charge as an exclusive bonus with your membership.
Not only that…
Don’t have a Personal Vision yet? You also get to attend the Get-A-Life Getaway 100% free.
Hope to see you at an event soon!
Already a member?
When there is an upcoming event, MAREI will post it on the calendar and send out an email announcement.
If you can’t find the emails or if you have any questions, please reach out.
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