

guest post from Damon Remy from REI Blackbook, MAREI's Guest speaker in January

No More Cold Calls or Texts without Opt In

This is a guest post from Damon Remy, REI Blackbook. He will be MAREI’s Guest speaker in January 2024. Let’s cut to the chase:  The FCC just changed the game on lead gen. No more cold calls or texts without explicit yeses from customers. That’s right, no implied, sorta-kinda consent. We’re talking crystal clear, documented, […]

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Follow up after a meetig is easier when you actively listen.

The Art of Follow-Up: Building Lasting Relationships After a Networking Event

Alright, so you’ve survived the networking event—high fives all around! But hold up, the real game begins after you’ve exchanged business cards and had your fill of mini sandwiches. Let’s dive into why following up is the secret sauce, the best ways to do it without feeling like a robot, and how to turn those

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4 different elevator pitches at the December 2022 Speed Networking Meeting.

Crafting a Compelling Elevator Pitch for Real Estate Investors:

In the fast-paced world of MAREI’s real estate investor speed networking, the ability to deliver a compelling elevator pitch is a skill that can set you apart from the crowd. Whether you’re simply looking to introduce yourself, forge connections with potential partners, or actively seek out potential clients, having a well-crafted elevator pitch is your

Crafting a Compelling Elevator Pitch for Real Estate Investors: Read More »

William Zohg and Doug Harris Networking at the November MAREI Meeting.

Mastering Real Estate Investor Networking: Have Several Icebreakers

We meet every month at MAREI for at least one hour of Real Estate Investor Networking. Attend multiple events on our calendar of events and you might end up with several hours of networking time to fill. Make the most of your time by being ready to network and by having some go to icebreakers.

Mastering Real Estate Investor Networking: Have Several Icebreakers Read More »

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