
Lee Phillips on FinCen and Dormant Companies

Lee Phillips on FinCen and Dormant Companies

As a business owner or someone managing multiple entities, it’s crucial to stay informed about the latest regulatory requirements. One such requirement that’s on the radar is FinCEN’s (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network) mandate for company registrations. If you’re like me and have a dormant or inactive company, you might be wondering whether you need to

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Lee Phillips on FinCen and Beneficial Ownership Interest

Lee Phillips with a FinCen Update – Beneficial Ownership Interest

FinCEN marches on, and the American small business is being sucked into the trap. Beneficial Ownership Interest Registration is going to be a nightmare. Any time any tiny piece of information concerning any one owner changes, the company and its owners have 30 days to update the information.  There isn’t any way to “unregister” an

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