

MAREI Master Class: Entities, Assets & Taxes with John Hyre

The Basics of Entities and Asset Protection with John Hyre As a real estate investor/business owner, you NEED asset protection. But WHAT asset protection? John Hyre will show you how to choose the right entities for your business, how to use them to minimize taxes and maximize privacy, and why you likely DON’T need a […]

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MAREI Master Class: Rehab Scope of Work with Jerry Fink

Rehab Right: How to Create a Statement of Work to Keep Your Renovations on Time and on Budget with Jerry Fink Most of the problems with rehabs—issues with contractors, repairs going tens of thousands over budget or months overtime—can be solved before they happen by starting with a complete, clear “Statement of Work” with prices,

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MAREI Master Class: The Financial Calculator with Ari Newman

Learn to Use the Most Powerful Tool in the Investor Toolbox: The Financial Calculator! with Ari Newman Every serious real estate investor needs to understand how to use a financial calculator to figure out everything from what to pay for a property to how to calculate the payment on a seller financed mortgage to how

MAREI Master Class: The Financial Calculator with Ari Newman Read More »

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