
Build Yourself Up with Your I Am Statements

In a recent video, real estate expert John Burley shared powerful insights on the impact of positive affirmations. He emphasized how our daily “I am” statements shape our reality, noting that many of us unconsciously reinforce negative beliefs rather than building yourself with positive “I am” statements.

In the video, Burley introduces the concept of the “1K Club,” where participants commit to saying at least 1,000 positive affirmations daily.

Burley encourages us to replace self-doubt with affirmations like “I am healthy,” “I am strong,” and “I am a winner.” By integrating these statements into our daily routines—whether during a commute, workout, or morning routine—Burley asserts that we can significantly boost our self-confidence and overall well-being.

Want to learn more about transforming your mindset and becoming a successful real estate investor? Join us for an exclusive MAREI Meeting with John Burley on September 10th! This special session is open to MAREI members and first-time guests for free. Everyone else you are welcome to join us as well, we do have a $35 guest fee.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain invaluable insights and network with like-minded individuals.

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