
April MAREI Meeting: Common Inspection Items Real Estate Investors Overlook

  • Tuesday, April 9th In-Person In Overland Park
  • Learn What to Look for In Properties BEFORE You Buy Them
  • With Master Inspector, Adam Pontier
  • Networking & Vendor Expo at 6pm

You get two chances to get it right when you invest:

On Your Walk Through BEFORE You Write Your Offer and With Your Inspections BEFORE You Close

After you close there is no going back, the property is yours. . . along with all the costly repairs that might go with it.

Major repairs are fine when you calculate them into your investing formula before you purchase, having them pop up unexpectedly after you close can kill your profit!

Major repairs are fine when you calculate them into your investing formula before you purchase, having them pop up unexpectedly after you close can kill the deal!

While you can learn with practice, what do you do until you have several 100 houses under your belt? And even then, the most experienced investor can still miss things. . . learn from those who know more and have the experience.

Which is why we have invited Master Inspector Adam Pontier who is not only a Master Inspector with over 15 years of experience and 10,000 properties inspected, he is also an investor himself. He knows his stuff and is joining us to make sure we know the common items that investors miss on their own walk throughs.  Plus learn when you need to hire an expert.

Leave with the knowledge you need to make confident and informed real estate investment decisions.

Agenda For the Evening:

  • 5:30: Set Up
  • 6:00:Registration & Check In
  • 6:00: Vendor Expo & Open Networking
  • 6:30: Guest & New Member Orientation (Front Corner of the Room by Main Stage)
  • 7:00: Expo Ends & Presentations Begin
  • 7:00: Announcements
  • 7:20: Adam Takes the Stage
  • 8:50: Meeting Wrap Up & Late Networking

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