This is the page to bookmark and refer back to when you want to know what is going on in your local, state, or federal government that will affect your industry.
Advocacy Issues and Calls to Action
UPDATE: Corporate Transparency Act Unconstitutional
Update on Corporate Transparency Act as of December 27th, 2024 at Noon – they Vacated…
Mission Kansas Short-Term Rental Ordinance
The City Council of Mission Kansas passed an ordinance back in August to impose a…
City of Independence Missouri Proposing Changes to the Rental Ready Program.
The City of Independence Missouri has Proposed Changes to the Rental Ready Program. For the…
The Breakdown of $1 of Rent Goes
There is a huge disconnect between those outside of the industry who believe rental housing…
REIA Sense: November 2024
Extend & Pretend in the commercial world has transitioned to “Pray and Delay.” With over $1…
Prairie Village Bans Short-Term Rentals
UPDATE: Monday Night the Prairie Village City Council Voted 10 for and 2 against to…
Bill Track 50
What’s happening in Kansas and Missouri