
Advocacy – What Can I Do – Right Now Today!

Does it seem like we are fighting a battle we cannot win? Every year we get new city ordinances passed that make it harder and more costly to do business And while we seem to make the rules much less bad, they are still new rules costing us time and money.

So What Can I Do Right Now Today to Change Anything?

Join Housing Heros

There is a new national organization started by Jeff Watson called Housing Heros. We suggest you join it to get updated on what’s going on in washington DC. And he also shares updates on the issues and steps we can take today. He recently shared the following as something that everyone of us can do, right now, today. Wherever we live.

Contact YOUR Member of Congress,

Right now there is not a lot going on in Congress which means your representatives are probably in their home states this week campaigning. So it’s a perfect time for all housing providers to let their people in Congress know that they are at home doing business and they are greatly concerned.

Step 1: Look up your congressperson, and visit their websites. See where they are holding events and attend one.

Step 2: Ask the following Question: “What is your position on the Biden Administration’s effort to use the rule-making power of various agencies, like the FTC CFPB and FHFA to enact The Renter’s Bill of Rights since Congress doesn’t support it?”

Because you want to be able to talk intelligently, Jeff was kind enough to give us a glossary of all those letters:

FTC, Federal Trade Commission: this agency will regulate rental application fees and junk fees like (late fees and pet fees) landlords can charge.

FHFA, Federal Housing Finance Administration: As the authority of government enterprise loans (Fannie & Freddie), this agency will govern how lending is done.  

CFPB, Consumer Finance Protection Bureau: will make rulings surrounding security deposits, discrimination, disclosures and Just Cause.

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