
Why You Should Borrow from Banks to Buy Real Estate

We been focusing a lot on creative deal making over the past couple of years and have not looked much at other ways of funding your deals.

This month we have a workshop on borrowing money to do deals, or rather being credible so you can borrow money from banks and or private lenders to do deals. So we wanted to take a listen to this replay of the April 10th Real Life Real Estate Investing show where Robert Mohon makes the case to Vena Jones-Cox as to . . .

Why You Should Borrow Money from Banks to Do Real Estate Deals

Why You SHOULD Borrow From Banks to Buy Real Estate (with Robert Mohon)

Robert is the past president of Real Estate Investors of Nashville (REIN), multi-decade veteran of the credit industry, and an “Ender” who’s borrowed millions of dollars to buy dozens of houses using exactly the technique he’s sharing in this discussion.

To Learn More about Borrowing to Do Deals

  • Virtual Master Class on Building a Credibility Kit to Borrow from Banks and Private Lenders with Robert Mohon on April 11th.
  • Monthly MAREI Meeting with a different Debate on to Use Debt or Not Have Debt in Your Real Estate Rentals with Brendon Pishny and Several Local Lenders who have dealt with Local Issues on June 11th
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